“Knowing something doesn't change your life. Doing something does.”
Marie Forleo, author of Everything Is Figureoutable
#strength #positiveenergy #actionsteps
Would love to hear your feedback or to discuss further if you have comments or questions. loisctb@gmail.com 920-712-4526
I had the opportunity to attend a conference with a few takeaways: 1. Utilize the language of being a “bonus parent”, “bonus mom”, “bonus dad”, rather than a “step parent”. Potentially to indicate that you are not trying to fill anybody shoes, but willing to be there in a respectful and reasonable way. 2. Use the terminology of “Brain Health” rather than “Mental Health”, as there are sooooo many factors that play into our Brains Health that affects our thinking. 3. A new term to be considered, PTSI for Posttraumatic Stress Injury. Injury being defined as “hurt, damage, or loss sustained”, something I can recover from. Rather than PTSD Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Disorder being defined as “an abnormal physical or mental condition”, something wrong with me. Definitions in quotation marks coming from Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Our tongue has a lot of power. We can build people up, or knock them down. We choose which! What do we want to say to our loved ones?? #familyfirst #strength #Love
Worrying does not empty Tomorrow of its Troubles. It empties Today of its Strength! #worry #resilience #strength
“Anyone can make a small gesture of kindness to another person that can affect change in the world- it's that simple.” Oscar- winning actress Laura Dern
#kindnessmatters #simple #lovematters
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