Our Services

Individual, Couple and Family Counseling in all of these areas.


Anxiety and Stress

Why is it when we have a physical hurt, we seek out a physician for help, but when we are struggling emotionally/mentally with stress or anxiety we are not as quick to ask for help?  Learn strategies (time management, conflict resolution skills, setting healthy boundaries, breaking things down into manageable tasks, to name a few) to make your life more manageable and/or peaceful, so that in the long run your stress or anxiety doesn’t lead to more complications in your life.


Physical, Sexual, Emotional, or Mental

Whether it's in your past or in your present it can be significantly incapacitating. learn how to work through it not just to survive but to thrive.


Relationship struggles

(marriage, couple, siblings, extended family, friends, colleagues, etc) Have you come to a point where you feel like you don’t understand each other anymore?  Spend more time arguing than getting along?  Tired of the tension in your home?  Learn tools and strategies to help you effectively communicate your needs and wishes appropriately, whether it is about finances, parenting, time management, or roles to name a few.  Learn how, and that it is okay to set healthy boundaries in your relationships.  To show your love but not be taken advantage of.  Give yourself the gift of finding peace in difficult situations.



Traditional, Single, Blended/Step, Foster, and Adoptive to name some of them.   There are some strategies that work for all of the above and some specific to each one of the different dynamics. Learn strategies to assist you.  Many of the skills that we use with our children are very valuable in person-to-person communication no matter what the age.


Christian Counseling

I have been active in Ministry for 25+ years volunteering with Christians from many different faith backgrounds focusing on what we have in common and being enriched as a result of it.  As a Christian Counselor, I have learned the importance of meeting people where they are in their journey, then build on the strengths/gifts God has blessed them with.  God speaks to us in many ways, sometimes we are not always in tune with Him.  God's grace, love and mercy give us the courage, strength and peace even in our most difficult times.  See how one can use scripture to reflect on and be encouraging.  Lois is vetted with Focus on the Family Christian Counselors.

Anger Management

Anger is an emotion that can destroy relationships.  Learn strategies to address the quick response we find ourselves in when we get angry which often leads to abuse.  Consider anger is a secondary emotion that surfaces when the root feeling such as hurt, guilt, shame, fear, rejection, hopelessness, resentment, pride, low self-esteem, depression, worry or grief to name a few is not being addressed.  Learn ways to communicate needs and frustrations in more appropriate ways.


Post-Traumatic Stress or
Post-Traumatic Growth

We've heard a lot about post-traumatic stress disorder, but there are significant ways we can grow from our trauma. Learn how to come through Wiser, Stronger, and More Resilient!!


Families who have a loved one incarcerated

Lois brings 27+ years’ experience with the Prison/Jail system working with offenders on the inside as well as assisting the family and ex-offender adjust and re-acclimate upon release. She co-facilitates “Come Journey” a support group for anyone who has a loved one in prison/jail, going in or being released. She is a member of “PAN” (Prison Aftercare Network) of Northeast WI which serves as an umbrella organization, seeking to connect individuals and ministries, pointing to resources and information that help reduce recidivism.


Grief and Loss in Death and
Life’s Many Transitions

There are many losses we experience in life from sending our last child off to school, to experiencing "empty nest", to a difficult life threatening or altering diagnosis, to the death or dying of our loved ones.  Learn some skills on how to navigate through the difficulty in caring for yourself and others.  What can you influence, and what do you give yourself permission to do, or just plain accept throughout the grieving process.


Depression Mood Disorders

Depression comes in range of severity from feeling like you are in a "funk" to "incapacitating" and not being able to get yourself out of bed much less carry on any form of "normalcy" of daily living activities.  Learn how to spend more time influencing your actions and thinking in a positive way rather than spending all your time in a mental state of concern of what you may not have any power to influence.  Explore past events that may be influencing your feelings/emotions at this point in your life and learn strategies to resolve the issues.   Learn how to develop a "Wellness Toolbox" to equip you to get through the difficult times.


Additional Classes